Basic information on data protection

Identification of the treatment: Management of contests and raffles and Communications regarding their incorporation in our databases to receive emails.

Data controller: Agència Catalana de Turisme Address: Passeig de Gràcia, 105, 08008 – Barcelona (Spain) Tel: + 34 934 849 900.

Purpose of the treatment: Manage your participation in this promotional action and if you agree to receive information, manage these shipments.

Legitimation: Mission carried out in the public interest or exercise of public powers and consent of the person concerned.

Recipients: Data communications are foreseen to the departments of the Generalitat and related entities that depend on it for the management of the different public services of its competence. The data will also be communicated to the data processors who provide the ICT services on behalf of the data controller.

Rights of interested persons: request access, rectification or deletion of data, and limitation or opposition to treatment by request at our headquarters in Passeig de Gràcia, 105, 3rd floor, 08008 Barcelona, ​​or at the electronic address lopd.act

Additional information: if you wish to expand this information, you can consult our privacy policy at